How to store baby’s undersized clothes?
August 16, 2021
7 home organization tips to fight food waste
November 15, 2022Summer is slowly coming to an end. It’s hard to believe it right now with temperatures around 25 degrees. But this morning mildness and the fall-winter collection already omnipresent in the stores project us towards the next two seasons.
Moreover, with the arrival of autumn, it is the ideal moment to sort out your wardrobes, to take stock of the clothes that you will not wear the following months and conversely those that you decide to put on these next two seasons! The goal is to make room for seasonal clothes, also take advantage of this moment to declutter clothes that are lying around at the bottom of the drawers, organize your fall-winter wardrobe and be ready for these next months.
So let’s go!!!
When should you put away your summer stuff to make room for your fall/winter wardrobe?
In autumn, temperatures tend to change throughout the day. It is a more complex season because we often wonder how to dress in the morning when it is still cool but knowing that we may be a little hot in the afternoon. That’s why it is important to organize your wardrobe beforehand so that you don’t have to spend hours in front of your dressing room wondering what to wear!
So when should you break out your fall and winter clothes?
There is no specific date. However, when the temperatures start to soften in the morning and there is a succession of cold days, I think it is time to make this change in your wardrobe. And to make it simple and practical, I would advise to do it in one go, with the fall and winter clothes at the same time.
Step 1: Empty your closet completely
Start by taking out all of your clothes and gathering them in one place (spring-summer and fall-winter clothes).
Separate the clothes into two piles: spring-summer clothes that will be stored for next year and fall-winter clothes that are coming up.
Sort by category, making separate piles (sweaters, pants, skirts, jackets, etc.).This way, you’ll be able to see more clearly for the next step, which may take some time and energy! So let’s get organized first!

Step two: go through each item of clothing and examine it carefully
Allow several hours to go through your wardrobe. There’s no point in saving all your summer clothes for next year if some of them have been sitting in the back of your closet for the past few months. The same is true for fall-winter clothes. Start this big sorting process before you start putting away seasonal clothes and storing off-season clothes.
At the sorting stage, it is essential to ask yourself the right questions. Be careful, only keep the clothes :
that you really like
in good condition
comfortable and in the right size
adapted to your lifestyle
Keep in mind that a garment must be able to meet these criteria, otherwise you will clutter your wardrobe with clothes that will never be worn. If your wardrobe is made up of basic pieces that can be worn all year round, it is of course essential to keep them. Do the same with the mid-season clothes that you will be happy to find in your wardrobe each season.
Are you hesitating ?
Ask yourself if you can put together outfits with your clothes. And you don’t have to be an expert to do it! Later, with your closet neatly organized and everything in sight, you’ll also find the other pieces of your outfit faster and easier.
But if there’s nothing wrong with that blouse you’re having second thoughts about, what’s the point of keeping it? You can be sure that it will remain an orphan all winter long and that it will take up unnecessary space in your closet.
Avoid excuses such as “I’m keeping these jeans in case I lose weight”, “I’ll buy something to wear with this jacket later”.

Have you heard of the last chance box?
It’s ONE box (or carton) that I allow you to keep to store the clothes you like, that you don’t wear anymore but that really gave you a hard time during this sorting. Sometimes you hesitate and can’t make up your mind, especially if you’re going through the whole process of sorting out your clothes by yourself.
You will leave them in there, put the box away in a place you won’t forget, and after several weeks take stock of the situation:
Did you open the box and wear any of the clothes inside?
Did you miss the clothes?
If not, then you should definitely get rid of them! We sell, we give, we recycle, but in no case we keep!
* Don’t hesitate to get help from a professional organizer. This is also why Bo Rangement exists.
Step Three: put seasonal clothes in your closet
Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, you’ll keep only the clothes and accessories you love and are sure to wear in the coming months. This also frees up space in your closet. It’s time to put your clothes away in your dressing room, which you’ve dusted and cleaned beforehand.
Here are some simple tips for an organized dressing room where you can see clearly and save time when you get dressed:
Organize your clothes by category (shirts, dresses, skirts, pants, accessories…) and by color to find your way around more easily.
Fold clothes that are easy to fold vertically and then store them in your drawers or place them in pretty storage baskets on your shelves.
Add shelves for efficient storage. This will prevent you from having large piles of clothes that could fall apart at any time.
Hang only 1 garment per hanger (this is a golden rule!) and opt for matching hangers to give a clearer look.
Place the clothes you wear most often on the front of your shelves and rotate them every so often, reversing the stacks so you don’t neglect the clothes in the back.
Use drawer organizers to store your underwear and accessories.
Use nice storage boxes or baskets to store your scarves, hats, and other accessories.

Step 4: store off-season clothes
Now the question arises as to where to store your out-of-season clothes? You may decide to store them elsewhere, such as in the basement, attic, garage, or give an area in your dressing room or under your bed if space permits.
How do you store out-of-season clothing?
- In fabric covers
In clear plastic boxes with lids
In vacuum-packed storage boxescoffres de rangement sous-vide
No matter which system you choose, don’t forget to label your storage units so you can find them better the next time the season changes.

Step 5: decide what to do with the clothes you are parting with
Giving a second life
What are you going to do with the pile of clothes you’re not keeping? Unless they are no longer in good condition, you can give your clothes a second life:
- By donating to charities.
By putting some interesting pieces on sale.
For unsaleable and damaged clothes, you can recycle them:
By dropping off your bag of clothes at the collection points of certain stores and get a voucher to be used in the store in exchange for your gesture.
By dropping off your bags of clothing in collection containers of organizations that offer a second life to used clothing, shoes and household textiles.
The change of season is the perfect time to sort through your entire wardrobe. Take advantage of this moment to declutter what you no longer wear and organize your dressing room so that it highlights your favorite outfits and allows you to see at a glance all the clothes you will be wearing in the coming months. You’ll notice that all your efforts will save you time in the morning, save you money because you won’t buy twice or unnecessarily and you’ll only wear outfits that you like and that fit you like a glove!
If, despite these tips, you don’t have the time or the courage to organize your wardrobe on your own, use our home organizing service. Being accompanied by a professional organizer will free up a lot of your time and make your job easier.
See you soon!
Amel your Home Organizer.