Transform your everyday life today with Bo Rangement: where every space becomes a source of positive energy and well-being

Decluttering and organizing your home

Discover how Bo Rangement can help you create a living environment that’s more functional, satisfying and authentically you.

Free up space and find your peace of mind with our sorting and decluttering service

If you are having trouble keeping things in order despite your best efforts, our home organizing expert can assist you in the process of decluttering your belongings. Our sorting and decluttering service helps you free yourself from excess stuff and rediscover your living space.

Discover peace of mind at home with our personalized home organizing service

Once you’ve cleared out the clutter in your home, we’re here to help you tidy and organize your spaces. We implement personalized and sustainable storage solutions so that you can get a fresh start. Our home organizing methods are designed to maximize the use of your space and make your daily routine easier.

Need help to tidy and organize your home? Contact me to benefit from my home organizing skills and get a personalized approach that will meet your specific needs

Moving services and organizing

Give yourself the chance to instantly enjoy your new home, without worrying about the tedious details of moving. Offer yourself this premium service now to enhance your overall experience during this residential transition.

Donation and clearance service

We’re committed to making your departure as hassle-free as possible by taking care of your belongings, ensuring a smooth transition to your new home while giving your possessions a new lease on life.

Unpacking and organising service

We are here to take the stress out of unpacking boxes and putting things away, so you can enjoy your new home from day one with complete peace of mind.

Simplify your move 

Enjoy all the benefits of a well-organized home, with clear, practical living spaces, from the moment you arrive.

Contact me now to prepare your move


Discover the magic of Bo Rangement through a selection of successful projects. This section highlights concrete examples where our customers’ confidence in our approach has led to significant transformations. Browse these projects for inspiration and to see how we can bring new life to your interior space too.

Organisation et rangement de votre intérieur

Nos services

Bo Rangement, home organiser à Vevey, offre strater

Les prémices du rangement

Nous prévoyons une demi-journée pour trier, désencombrer, organiser et optimiser une zone de votre logement. Découvrez la méthode de notre Home Organiser pour allier organisation et décoration à la maison.

Bo Rangement, home organiser à Vevey, offre gold

Organiser et ranger son intérieur

Ranger et ré.organiser efficacement votre logement pour que vos tâches quotidiennes soient plus rapides à réaliser et plus faciles à entretenir. Le home organising s’adapte à chaque pièce de votre maison. 

Bo Rangement, home organiser à Vevey, offre premium

Aide au déménagement et installation

Réduire le stress lié au déménagement en vous aidant à planifier et préparer le jour du déménagement et vous permettre de commencer à vivre dans votre nouvelle maison immédiatement.

Bo Rangement, home organiser à Vevey, offre ateliers

Les Masterclasses

Nos Masterclasses sont des ateliers délivrés par notre Home Organiser en présentiel ou à distance. À cette occasion, vous apprendrez à ranger votre intérieur selon des méthodes approuvées par Bo Rangement. 

Amel Brawand Bo Rangement

Amel Brawand

Home organizer & founder

My profession is above all a human adventure

I created the company Bo Rangement with the aim of helping people to get rid of the clutter in their homes and to restore order to their lives.

Let’s improve your daily life

The Bo Rangement concept

Bo Rangement, located in the heart of the canton of Vaud in Vevey, is a professional tidying and home organisation company that creates the clutter-free and organised home of your dreams. You will notice how much easier it is to stay organized and achieve more serenity with less stuff and when everything has a place. Let’s simplify your life and improve your daily routine.

Create more harmonious living spaces, where we can concentrate on what’s really important and appreciate each moment more.

Create an organized environment, reducing the stress and anxiety associated with clutter.

Optimize available space to make living spaces more functional and efficient.

Concept Bo Rangement, Home Organiser à Vevey

Tips and news from your Home Organizer


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