Amel Brawand

I am Amel Brawand, founder of Bo Rangement Sàrl and professional organizer. I created the company Bo Rangement with the aim of helping you to get rid once and for all of the clutter in your home and to put your house in order in order in order to achieve more well-being and to facilitate your daily activities.
Amel Brawand Bo Rangement
Who of you has ever had that oppressive feeling of a cluttered room or closet?

If this is your case, you’ve come to the right place to remedy this. At Bo Rangement we like to bring concrete solutions to end the clutter in your home and achieve more well-being on a daily basis.

When our home is cluttered, storage spaces are poorly exploited, which leads us to think that we lack space.

Clutter gives the impression of suffocating and of constantly having something to put away. The accumulation of things and the disorder places us in the incapacity to quickly put our hands on what we are looking for. Faced with such an environment, our brain never rests and it becomes difficult to feel good at home.

Clutter creates stress and anxiety and our well-being is also affected.

I created Bo Rangement in 2020 in order to respond to an increased demand for organization and well-being at home; to help victims of clutter to get out of their situation; to adopt the right gestures on a daily basis and maintain order in the long term; and so that everyone can find true serenity at home.

Reorganizing one’s home allows one to improve one’s quality of life and save time.

Tidying up is an important part of our balance. My goal is to help you declutter your home, sort your belongings, tidy up and organize your spaces to facilitate your daily activities, harmonize your interior, improve your quality of life and free up time for your projects

I am a member of the Swiss-APO (Swiss Association of Professional Organizers) and a certified Home Organizer with the Academy of Professional Organizers